Being in debt to the Internal Revenue Service can be a frightening and perplexing experience. You may have made an honest mistake, but cannot figure out exactly what you owe, why you owe it, and what options you may have in paying it. Dealing with the IRS directly can be even more frustrating, which is why you should not do it. You should instead hire a lawyer who specializes in resolving tax problems.

Hiring the Right Lawyer

Lawyers such as the ones at can act as a buffer between you and the tax authorities. Indeed, there is a thriving industry within the legal community, mostly Washington-based, that offers to fix IRS problems no matter where the client happens to be. However, it is always better to work with a lawyer you can trust. You are likely to be more comfortable with a lawyer who you can see face-to-face whenever you want to instead of some faceless out-of-town attorney.

A Houston-based tax attorney will have a better understanding of your business and how it operates in the state of Texas. You will also be working with someone who will make it their business to earn your trust rather than taking it for granted.

Needed: An Individualized Plan

There is no effective one size fits all approach to IRS problems, and you should not be led into believing that there is. Each problem is unique, and if you do not create an individualized plan to resolve it then the matter may drag on indefinitely.

Every problem begins with analysis, and every analytic process begins with questions. Here are some of the questions your Houston tax attorney will ask to solve your IRS tax problem:

-Is there a statute of limitations that has run out for your back taxes?
-Is there a compromise to be had to resolve your back taxes?
-Is establishing a payment plan with the IRS the right kind of relief for you?
-Is it possible to discharge the debt through bankruptcy?

Your lawyer will go through each of these options with you. If necessary, they will contact the IRS on your behalf to get the information and clarity you required to make the right decision.

Dealing with the IRS

The IRS is not always in a position of seizing assets or putting you in a collectable status. Even they must adhere to rules and regulations. If your debt is not sizeable enough to put you in that category, they will most likely want to work out a payment plan that is sustainable. Such a payment plan will be instituted through a legally-binding agreement. You should allow your lawyer to work out the details of such a plan, and you will want them to review the language.

The IRS has an army of lawyers ready to enforce their decisions. It is important to have a tough, intelligent, and experienced lawyer on your side. The IRS tends to respond more reasonably when they are faced with such legal firepower.