PVC Conveyor Belts in Telford

PVC conveyor belts are used in a number of different industries. Different industries have different needs, and it is important to make sure that the raw materials used to make the conveyor belt are right for the job. When you work with a professional company that specialises in making these conveyor belts, you can be sure to get the one that is best for the job.

How Conveyor Belts Are Made

No matter what your factory operation is, you need to make sure that you have the right belt for the job. The belt must be able to withstand the job it is required to do, and the manufacturer needs to know how to do it. You need a company that can make a tight flexible splice that is strong and has no ends. They can combine the strength of conventional step splices with the flexibility of the finger splice to create a strong, flexible, endless belt.

Types of Belts

If you are looking for a conveyor belt system in Telford, you have a lot of choices, including the following:

  • Step
  • Bevel
  • Euro
  • Skived
  • Finger
  • Longitudinal
  • Lap
  • Hot air welded

When you are looking for PBC belting, you can choose light duty single ply or heavy-duty solid woven belts. You can get them vulcanised, endless, or with different mechanical fasteners. You can choose different colours and styles, and you will find different patterns to make sure that you get exactly what you need for your system.